2019 Celebrity Dance Competition Teams…
![]() Rachele Evers & Deb Drick |
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On-line voting begins February 17th. Each $5.00 increment equals a vote. Thank You! All funds raised through on-line voting support LCCC Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention efforts in Livingston County.
Tickets On Sale Now through March 1, 2019!
2019 Salute to the Stars Honorees:
Mary Lou Morris
Margo Ward & Glenn Gray
Raffle is changed from 50/50 to raffle for 2 tickets to Hamilton the Play at the Fisher Theatre.
Platinum Sponsors: St. Joseph Mercy Livingston Hospital, Colleen Pryslak – Associate Realtor KW Realty Livingston, K of C #12295 – St. Mary Magdalen, Suburban Shipping LLC, Garrison Enterprises LLC
Drop-In Substance Abuse Engagement Group
Help Spread the Word…There IS Help!
Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC) offers an Engagement Group for people struggling with substance use/abuse. The group is free and open to everyone! Group days are Monday (6p-7:30p), Wednesday (10:30a-12p) and Fridays (10a-11:30a) – come to one, come to all each week!
An LCCC Substance Abuse Coordinator carries a cell phone 24hrs a day for assistance: 517-375-1652. Additionally LCCC offers outpatient services with therapists trained & certified in substance abuse/addiction treatment.
Community Mental Health (800-615-1245) offers the ACCESS program and provides screenings for substance abuse services. Anyone who would like more information, please call LCCC at 517-545-5944 and ask for the clinical director or the substance abuse coordinator.
The Mission of Livingston County Catholic Charities is the work of the Catholic Church, to share the love of Christ by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Vision Statement: Livingston County Catholic Charities aims to provide quality human services to Livingston County residents regardless of race, gender, religion, age, disability or financial ability. |
2017 Celebrity Dance Competition Teams…
![]() Julie & Tom Lin Team #3 Bio Page |
![]() Rose (Rozi) Fodor & Joseph Savanyo
Thinking of becoming a foster parent? Do you have room in your heart and home for one more child?
Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC) holds a foster parent orientation and informational meeting the 3rd Monday of each month for persons interested in learning more about foster care.
Date: 3rd Monday of each month
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Place: LCCC Child Welfare Offices, 2020 E. Grand River #101, Howell
R.S.V.P. required – please call 517-545-5944 to reserve your spot today!
LCCC is seeking to increase the number of available homes in Livingston County to serve the children entering foster care. We need more homes to keep these children safe, cared for and in their community.
For Current Happenings, Follow us onFACEBOOK, LinkedIn and Instagram.
LCCC – Serving Families of All Faiths since 1985!
Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC), nationally accredited since 1997, provides professional, confidential services to county residents regardless of religious preference, national origin, gender, age, disability or financial circumstance. LCCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit Human Services Agency.
Mark Your Calendar for Free Hot Meals Weekly!
- 5:30pm Sunday:The Fish & Loaves community meal is provided by rotating churches in the Brighton Area.Call 734-718-6009 or 810-229-4377 for information or each week’s location.
- 6:00pm Monday: Magdalen’s Kitchen at St. Mary Magdalen Parish, 2201 Old US 23, Brighton.For more information call 810-229-8624.
- 6:00pm Wednesday:God’s Kitchen at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 425 E. Washington St., Howell.For more information call 517-546-0090.
- 6:00pm Thursday:St. Agnes Catholic Church, 855 E. Grand River Ave., Fowlerville.For more information call 517-223-8684.
- 8:00am – 11:00am Saturday: Bountiful Harvest, 803 W. Main St., Brighton, MI 48116. Serving free breakfast weekly.
All rights reserved 2017 – Livingston County Catholic Charities – Michigan, USA.